Remote node reconfiguration
This advanced-level tutorial shows how to do the following:
- Add support for standard configuration services to a node.
- Get, set, save, or erase configuration parameters on a remote node via UAVCAN.
These are the standard configuration services defined by the UAVCAN specification:
Please read the specification for more info.
Two applications are implemented in this tutorial:
- Configurator - the node that can alter configuration parameters of a remote node via UAVCAN.
- Remote node - the node that supports remote reconfiguration.
Once started, this node performs the following:
- Reads all configuration parameters from a remote node (the user must enter the node ID of the remote node).
- Sets all parameters to their maximum values.
- Resets all parameters back to their default values.
- Restarts the remote node.
- Exits.
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <uavcan/uavcan.hpp>
* Remote reconfiguration services.
#include <uavcan/protocol/param/GetSet.hpp>
#include <uavcan/protocol/param/ExecuteOpcode.hpp>
extern uavcan::ICanDriver& getCanDriver();
extern uavcan::ISystemClock& getSystemClock();
constexpr unsigned NodeMemoryPoolSize = 16384;
* Convenience function for blocking service calls.
template <typename T>
std::pair<int, typename T::Response> performBlockingServiceCall(uavcan::INode& node,
uavcan::NodeID remote_node_id,
const typename T::Request& request)
bool success = false;
typename T::Response response; // Generated types have zero-initializing constructors, always.
uavcan::ServiceClient<T> client(node);
client.setCallback([&](const uavcan::ServiceCallResult<T>& result)
success = result.isSuccessful();
response = result.getResponse();
const int call_res =, request);
if (call_res >= 0)
while (client.hasPendingCalls())
const int spin_res = node.spin(uavcan::MonotonicDuration::fromMSec(2));
if (spin_res < 0)
return {spin_res, response};
return {success ? 0 : -uavcan::ErrFailure, response};
return {call_res, response};
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
if (argc < 3)
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <node-id> <remote-node-id>" << std::endl;
return 1;
const uavcan::NodeID self_node_id = std::stoi(argv[1]);
const uavcan::NodeID remote_node_id = std::stoi(argv[2]);
uavcan::Node<NodeMemoryPoolSize> node(getCanDriver(), getSystemClock());
const int node_start_res = node.start();
if (node_start_res < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start the node; error: " + std::to_string(node_start_res));
* Reading all params from the remote node (access by index); printing request/response
* to stdout in YAML format.
* Note that access by index should be used only to list params, not to get or set them.
std::vector<uavcan::protocol::param::GetSet::Response> remote_params;
while (true)
uavcan::protocol::param::GetSet::Request req;
req.index = remote_params.size();
std::cout << "Param GET request:\n" << req << std::endl << std::endl;
auto res = performBlockingServiceCall<uavcan::protocol::param::GetSet>(node, remote_node_id, req);
if (res.first < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get param: " + std::to_string(res.first));
if ( // Empty name means no such param, which means we're finished
std::cout << "Param read done!\n\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Response:\n" << res.second << std::endl << std::endl;
* Setting all parameters to their maximum values, if applicable. Access by name.
for (auto p : remote_params)
if (
std::cout << "Maximum value for parameter '" << << "' is not defined." << std::endl;
uavcan::protocol::param::GetSet::Request req; =;
if (
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value>() =<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::integer_value>();
else if (
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() =<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>();
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown tag in NumericValue: " + std::to_string(p.max_value.getTag()));
std::cout << "Param SET request:\n" << req << std::endl << std::endl;
auto res = performBlockingServiceCall<uavcan::protocol::param::GetSet>(node, remote_node_id, req);
if (res.first < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to set param: " + std::to_string(res.first));
std::cout << "Response:\n" << res.second << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Param set done!\n\n" << std::endl;
* Reset all params back to their default values.
uavcan::protocol::param::ExecuteOpcode::Request opcode_req;
opcode_req.opcode = opcode_req.OPCODE_ERASE;
auto erase_res =
performBlockingServiceCall<uavcan::protocol::param::ExecuteOpcode>(node, remote_node_id, opcode_req);
if (erase_res.first < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to erase params: " + std::to_string(erase_res.first));
std::cout << "Param erase response:\n" << erase_res.second << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Param erase done!\n\n" << std::endl;
* Restart the remote node.
uavcan::protocol::RestartNode::Request restart_req;
restart_req.magic_number = restart_req.MAGIC_NUMBER;
auto restart_res = performBlockingServiceCall<uavcan::protocol::RestartNode>(node, remote_node_id, restart_req);
if (restart_res.first < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to restart: " + std::to_string(restart_res.first));
std::cout << "Restart response:\n" << restart_res.second << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Restart done!" << std::endl;
return 0;
Remote node
This node doesn’t do anything on its own; it merely provides the standard configuration services.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <uavcan/uavcan.hpp>
* Implementations for the standard application-level functions are located in uavcan/protocol/.
* The same path also contains the standard data types uavcan.protocol.*.
#include <uavcan/protocol/param_server.hpp>
extern uavcan::ICanDriver& getCanDriver();
extern uavcan::ISystemClock& getSystemClock();
constexpr unsigned NodeMemoryPoolSize = 16384;
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
if (argc < 2)
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <node-id>" << std::endl;
return 1;
const int self_node_id = std::stoi(argv[1]);
uavcan::Node<NodeMemoryPoolSize> node(getCanDriver(), getSystemClock());
const int node_start_res = node.start();
if (node_start_res < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start the node; error: " + std::to_string(node_start_res));
* This would be our configuration storage.
static struct Params
unsigned foo = 42;
float bar = 0.123456F;
double baz = 1e-5;
std::string booz = "Hello world!";
} configuration;
* Now, we need to define some glue logic between the server (below) and our configuration storage (above).
* This is done via the interface uavcan::IParamManager.
class : public uavcan::IParamManager
void getParamNameByIndex(Index index, Name& out_name) const override
if (index == 0) { out_name = "foo"; }
if (index == 1) { out_name = "bar"; }
if (index == 2) { out_name = "baz"; }
if (index == 3) { out_name = "booz"; }
void assignParamValue(const Name& name, const Value& value) override
if (name == "foo")
* Parameter "foo" is an integer, so we accept only integer values here.
if (
{ = *<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value>();
else if (name == "bar")
* Parameter "bar" is a floating point, so we accept only float values here.
if (
{ = *<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>();
else if (name == "baz")
* Ditto
if (
configuration.baz = *<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>();
else if (name == "booz")
* Parameter "booz" is a string, so we take only strings.
if (
configuration.booz =<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::string_value>()->c_str();
std::cout << "Can't assign parameter: " << name.c_str() << std::endl;
void readParamValue(const Name& name, Value& out_value) const override
if (name == "foo")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value>() =;
else if (name == "bar")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() =;
else if (name == "baz")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() = configuration.baz;
else if (name == "booz")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::string_value>() = configuration.booz.c_str();
std::cout << "Can't read parameter: " << name.c_str() << std::endl;
int saveAllParams() override
std::cout << "Save - this implementation does not require any action" << std::endl;
return 0; // Zero means that everything is fine.
int eraseAllParams() override
std::cout << "Erase - all params reset to default values" << std::endl;
configuration = Params();
return 0;
* Note that this method is optional. It can be left unimplemented.
void readParamDefaultMaxMin(const Name& name, Value& out_def,
NumericValue& out_max, NumericValue& out_min) const override
if (name == "foo")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value>() = Params().foo;<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::integer_value>() = 9000;<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::integer_value>() = 0;
else if (name == "bar")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() = Params().bar;<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 1;<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 0;
else if (name == "baz")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() = Params().baz;<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 1;<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 0;
else if (name == "booz")
{<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::string_value>() = Params().booz.c_str();
std::cout << "Limits for 'booz' are not defined" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Can't read the limits for parameter: " << name.c_str() << std::endl;
} param_manager;
* Initializing the configuration server.
* A pointer to the glue logic object is passed to the method start().
uavcan::ParamServer server(node);
const int server_start_res = server.start(¶m_manager);
if (server_start_res < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start ParamServer: " + std::to_string(server_start_res));
* Now, this node can be reconfigured via UAVCAN. Awesome.
* Many embedded applications require a restart before the new configuration settings can
* be applied, so it is highly recommended to also support the remote restart service.
class : public uavcan::IRestartRequestHandler
bool handleRestartRequest(uavcan::NodeID request_source) override
std::cout << "Got a remote restart request from " << int(request_source.get()) << std::endl;
* We won't really restart, so return 'false'.
* Returning 'true' would mean that we're going to restart for real.
* Note that it is recognized that some nodes may not be able to respond to the
* restart request (e.g. if they restart immediately from the service callback).
return false;
} restart_request_handler;
* Installing the restart request handler.
node.setRestartRequestHandler(&restart_request_handler); // Done.
* Running the node.
while (true)
const int res = node.spin(uavcan::MonotonicDuration::getInfinite());
if (res < 0)
std::cerr << "Transient failure: " << res << std::endl;
Running on Linux
Build the applications using the following CMake script:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
find_library(UAVCAN_LIB uavcan REQUIRED)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c++11")
# Make sure to provide correct path to 'platform_linux.cpp'! See earlier tutorials for more info.
add_executable(configurator configurator.cpp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../2._Node_initialization_and_startup/platform_linux.cpp)
target_link_libraries(configurator ${UAVCAN_LIB} rt)
add_executable(remote_node remote_node.cpp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../2._Node_initialization_and_startup/platform_linux.cpp)
target_link_libraries(remote_node ${UAVCAN_LIB} rt)